Kathy Conklin
Kathy Conklin
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Formulaic sequences: Are they processed more quickly than nonformulaic language by native and nonnative speakers?
K Conklin, N Schmitt
Applied linguistics 29 (1), 72-89, 2008
Adding more fuel to the fire: An eye-tracking study of idiom processing by native and non-native speakers
A Siyanova-Chanturia, K Conklin, N Schmitt
Second Language Research 27 (2), 251-272, 2011
The processing of formulaic language
K Conklin, N Schmitt
Annual review of applied linguistics 32, 45-61, 2012
Seeing a phrase “time and again” matters: The role of phrasal frequency in the processing of multiword sequences.
A Siyanova-Chanturia, K Conklin, WJB Van Heuven
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 37 (3), 776, 2011
Eye-Tracking: A Guide for Applied Linguistics Research
K Conklin, A Pellicer Sánchez, G Carrol
Processing of native and foreign language subtitles in films: An eye tracking study
MJ Bisson, WJB Van Heuven, K Conklin, RJ Tunney
Applied psycholinguistics 35 (2), 399-418, 2014
Using eye-tracking in applied linguistics and second language research
K Conklin, A Pellicer-Sánchez
Second Language Research 32 (3), 453-467, 2016
Is all formulaic language created equal? Unpacking the processing advantage for different types of formulaic sequences
G Carrol, K Conklin
Language and speech 63 (1), 95-122, 2020
Electrophysiological measures of conflict detection and resolution in the Stroop task
E Coderre, K Conklin, WJB van Heuven
Brain research 1413, 51-59, 2011
Cross language lexical priming extends to formulaic units: Evidence from eye-tracking suggests that this idea ‘has legs’
G Carrol, K Conklin
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 20 (2), 299-317, 2017
Found in translation: The influence of the L1 on the reading of idioms in a L2
G Carrol, K Conklin, H Gyllstad
Studies in Second Language Acquisition 38 (3), 403-443, 2016
The role of repeated exposure to multimodal input in incidental acquisition of foreign language vocabulary
MJ Bisson, WJB Van Heuven, K Conklin, RJ Tunney
Language learning 64 (4), 855-877, 2014
The timing and magnitude of Stroop interference and facilitation in monolinguals and bilinguals
EL Coderre, WJB Van Heuven, K Conklin
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 16 (2), 420-441, 2013
Getting your wires crossed: Evidence for fast processing of L1 idioms in an L2
G Carrol, K Conklin
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 17 (4), 784-797, 2014
What with? The anatomy of a (proto)-role
JP Koenig, G Mauner, B Bienvenue, K Conklin
Journal of semantics 25 (2), 175-220, 2008
What eye-tracking tells us about reading-only and reading-while-listening in a first and second language
K Conklin, S Alotaibi, A Pellicer-Sánchez, L Vilkaitė-Lozdienė
Second Language Research 36 (3), 257-276, 2020
Representation and processing of multi-word expressions in the brain
A Siyanova-Chanturia, K Conklin, S Caffarra, E Kaan, WJB van Heuven
Brain and language 175, 111-122, 2017
Eye-tracking multi-word units: some methodological questions
G Carrol, K Conklin
Journal of Eye Movement Research 7 (5), 2014
Incidental acquisition of foreign language vocabulary through brief multi-modal exposure
MJ Bisson, WJB Van Heuven, K Conklin, RJ Tunney
PLoS One 8 (4), e60912, 2013
The role of verbal and pictorial information in multimodal incidental acquisition of foreign language vocabulary
MJ Bisson, WJB Van Heuven, K Conklin, RJ Tunney
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 68 (7), 1306-1326, 2015
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Articles 1–20