Liu Ming
Cited by
Cited by
Neural speech synthesis with transformer network
N Li, S Liu, Y Liu, S Zhao, M Liu
Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence 33 (01), 6706-6713, 2019
An energy-aware routing protocol in wireless sensor networks
M Liu, J Cao, G Chen, X Wang
Sensors 9 (1), 445-462, 2009
Maximizing network lifetime based on transmission range adjustment in wireless sensor networks
C Song, M Liu, J Cao, Y Zheng, H Gong, G Chen
Computer Communications 32 (11), 1316-1325, 2009
PVA in VANETs: Stopped cars are not silent
N Liu, M Liu, W Lou, G Chen, J Cao
2011 Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM, 431-435, 2011
A study of mobile sensing using smartphones
M Liu
International journal of distributed sensor networks 9 (3), 272916, 2013
Close to human quality TTS with transformer
N Li, S Liu, Y Liu, S Zhao, M Liu, M Zhou
arXiv preprint arXiv:1809.08895 2, 2018
Utilizing shared vehicle trajectories for data forwarding in vehicular networks
F Xu, S Guo, J Jeong, Y Gu, Q Cao, M Liu, T He
2011 Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM, 441-445, 2011
The sharing at roadside: Vehicular content distribution using parked vehicles
N Liu, M Liu, G Chen, J Cao
2012 Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM, 2641-2645, 2012
Parking edge computing: Parked-vehicle-assisted task offloading for urban VANETs
C Ma, J Zhu, M Liu, H Zhao, N Liu, X Zou
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 8 (11), 9344-9358, 2021
When transportation meets communication: V2P over VANETs
N Liu, M Liu, J Cao, G Chen, W Lou
2010 IEEE 30th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems …, 2010
P2P 流媒体关键技术的研究进展
龚海刚, 刘明, 毛莺池, 陆桑璐, 谢立
计算机研究与发展 42 (12), 2033-2040, 2005
EADEEG: An energy-aware data gathering protocol for wireless sensor networks
M Liu, J Cao, GH Chen, LJ Chen, XM Wang, HG Gong
Ruan Jian Xue Bao/Journal of Software 18 (5), 1092-1109, 2007
A distributed energy-efficient data gathering and aggregation protocol for wireless sensor networks
刘明, 龚海刚, 毛莺池, 陈力军, 谢立
Journal of Software 16 (12), 2106-2116, 2005
Adaptive online mobile charging for node failure avoidance in wireless rechargeable sensor networks
J Zhu, Y Feng, M Liu, G Chen, Y Huang
Computer Communications 126, 28-37, 2018
刘明, 曹建农, 陈贵海, 陈力军, 王晓敏, 龚海刚
软件学报 18 (5), 1092-1109, 2007
Drivingsense: Dangerous driving behavior identification based on smartphone autocalibration
C Ma, X Dai, J Zhu, N Liu, H Sun, M Liu
Mobile Information Systems 2017 (1), 9075653, 2017
Analysis for multi-coverage problem in wireless sensor networks
刘明, 曹建农, 郑源, 陈力军, 谢立
Journal of Software 18 (1), 127-136, 2007
Robutrans: A robust transformer-based text-to-speech model
N Li, Y Liu, Y Wu, S Liu, S Zhao, M Liu
Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence 34 (05), 8228-8235, 2020
刘明, 龚海刚, 毛莺池, 陈力军, 谢立
软件学报 16 (12), 2106-2116, 2005
Coverage analysis for wireless sensor networks
M Liu, J Cao, W Lou, L Chen, X Li
Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks: First International Conference, MSN 2005 …, 2005
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