Urtzi Markiegi
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Cited by
Pareto efficient multi-objective black-box test case selection for simulation-based testing
A Arrieta, S Wang, U Markiegi, A Arruabarrena, L Etxeberria, G Sagardui
Information and Software Technology 114, 137-154, 2019
Spectrum-based fault localization in software product lines
A Arrieta, S Segura, U Markiegi, G Sagardui, L Etxeberria
Information and Software Technology 100, 18-31, 2018
Search-based test case generation for cyber-physical systems
A Arrieta, S Wang, U Markiegi, G Sagardui, L Etxeberria
2017 IEEE congress on evolutionary computation (CEC), 688-697, 2017
Employing multi-objective search to enhance reactive test case generation and prioritization for testing industrial cyber-physical systems
A Arrieta, S Wang, U Markiegi, G Sagardui, L Etxeberria
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 14 (3), 1055-1066, 2017
Multi-objective black-box test case selection for cost-effectively testing simulation models
A Arrieta, S Wang, A Arruabarrena, U Markiegi, G Sagardui, L Etxeberria
Proceedings of the genetic and evolutionary computation conference, 1411-1418, 2018
Search-based product line fault detection allocating test cases iteratively
U Markiegi, A Arrieta, G Sagardui, L Etxeberria
Proceedings of the 21st International Systems and Software Product Line …, 2017
Multiplex: A co-simulation architecture for elevators validation
G Sagardui, J Agirre, U Markiegi, A Arrieta, CF Nicolás, JM Martín
2017 IEEE International Workshop of Electronics, Control, Measurement …, 2017
Test optimisation for highly-configurable cyber-physical systems
U Markiegi
Proceedings of the 21st International Systems and Software Product Line …, 2017
Test case selection using structural coverage in software product lines for time-budget constrained scenarios
U Markiegi, A Arrieta, L Etxeberria, G Sagardui
Proceedings of the 34th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing, 2362-2371, 2019
Dynamic test prioritization of product lines: An application on configurable simulation models
U Markiegi, A Arrieta, L Etxeberria, G Sagardui
Software Quality Journal 29 (4), 943-988, 2021
White-box and black-box test quality metrics for configurable simulation models
U Markiegi, A Arrieta, L Etxeberria, G Sagardui
Proceedings of the 23rd International Systems and Software Product Line …, 2019
E-Learning Experience with Flipped Classroom Quizzes Using Kahoot, Moodle and Google Forms: A Comparative Study
I Aldalur, U Markiegi, X Valencia, J Cuenca, M Illarramendi
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Education Technology and …, 2022
Towards mutation testing of configurable Simulink models: A product line engineering perspective
A Arrieta, U Markiegi, L Etxeberria
Jornadas de Ingeniera del So ware y Bases de Datos, 2017
Enabling co-simulation of smart energy control systems for buildings and districts
L Etxeberria, F Larrinaga, U Markiegi, A Arrieta, G Sagardui
2017 22nd IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory …, 2017
Plataformas de servicios web de geo-referenciación en el ámbito de la actividad deportiva
O Lizarralde, A Serna, A Perez, A Arenaza, U Markiegi, F Larrinaga
tourGUNE Journal of Tourism and Human Mobility 1, 57-69, 2013
De la simulación a la realidad: metodología para el aprendizaje de sistemas ciber-físicos
A Arrieta, G Bellido, J Da Silva, U Markiegi, J Gago
Asociación de Enseñantes Universitarios de la Informática (AENUI), 2021
Employing multi-objective search to enhance reactive test generation and prioritization for testing industrial cyber-physical systems
A Arrieta, S Wang, U Markiegi, G Sagardui, L Etxeberria
Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion …, 2018
Adapting PBL Instantiation to Promote Students’ Engagement
N Arana-Arexolaleiba, U Markiegi, J Oyarzun, I Velez
PBL Across Cultures, 56, 2013
MRLab: Laboratorios remotos sobre dispositivos reales para la experimentación
F Larrinaga, U Markiegi, I Arenaza-Nuño
An experience in the implementation of the flipped classroom instructional model in the computer science degree
I Aldalur, U Markiegi, M Iturbe, I Roman, M Illarramendi
Engineering Reports 6 (4), e12754, 2024
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Articles 1–20