Tamer El-Diraby
Cited by
Cited by
Stakeholder management for public private partnerships
NM El-Gohary, H Osman, TE El-Diraby
International journal of project management 24 (7), 595-604, 2006
Data analytics in asset management: Cost-effective prediction of the pavement condition index
SM Piryonesi, TE El-Diraby
Journal of Infrastructure Systems 26 (1), 04019036, 2020
Domain taxonomy for construction concepts: toward a formal ontology for construction knowledge
BF T El-Diraby, Celson Lima
Journal of computing in civil engineering 19, 394, 2005
Role of data analytics in infrastructure asset management: Overcoming data size and quality problems
SM Piryonesi, TE El-Diraby
Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part B: Pavements 146 (2), 04020022, 2020
Domain ontology for processes in infrastructure and construction
NM El-Gohary, TE El-Diraby
Journal of construction engineering and management 136 (7), 730-744, 2010
BIM-based collaborative design and socio-technical analytics of green buildings
T El-Diraby, T Krijnen, M Papagelis
Automation in Construction 82, 59-74, 2017
Distributed ontology architecture for knowledge management in highway construction
TE El-Diraby, KF Kashif
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management 131 (5), 591-603, 2005
Using machine learning to examine impact of type of performance indicator on flexible pavement deterioration modeling
S Madeh Piryonesi, TE El-Diraby
Journal of Infrastructure Systems 27 (2), 04021005, 2021
A domain ontology for construction concepts in urban infrastructure products
TE El-Diraby, H Osman
Automation in Construction 20 (8), 1120-1132, 2011
Ontology-based optimisation of knowledge management in e-Construction
C Lima, T El-Diraby, J Stephens
Journal of Information Technology in Construction (ITcon) 10 (21), 305-327, 2005
Domain ontology for construction knowledge
TE El-Diraby
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management 139 (7), 768-784, 2013
Integrating value analysis and quality function deployment for evaluating design alternatives
I Cariaga, T El-Diraby, H Osman
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management 133 (10), 761-770, 2007
Synthesis of decision-making research in construction
MN Bakht, TE El-Diraby
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management 141 (9), 04015027, 2015
Case studies on the use of information technology in the Canadian construction industry
H Rivard, T Froese, LM Waugh, T El-Diraby, R Mora, H Torres, SM Gill, ...
Journal of Information Technology in Construction (ITcon) 9 (2), 19-34, 2004
A semantic framework to support corporate memory management in building construction
TE El-Diraby, J Zhang
Automation in Construction 15 (4), 504-521, 2006
Examining the relationship between two road performance indicators: Pavement condition index and international roughness index
SM Piryonesi, TE El-Diraby
Transportation Geotechnics 26, 100441, 2021
Linking social, semantic and sentiment analyses to support modeling transit customers’ satisfaction: Towards formal study of opinion dynamics
T El-Diraby, A Shalaby, M Hosseini
Sustainable Cities and Society 49, 101578, 2019
Dynamic knowledge-based process integration portal for collaborative construction
NM El-Gohary, TE El-Diraby
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management 136 (3), 316-328, 2010
The e-COGNOS project: current status and future directions of an ontology-enabled IT solution infrastructure supporting Knowledge Management in Construction
C Lima, TE Diraby, B Fies, A Zarli, E Ferneley
Construction Research Congress: Wind of Change: Integration and Innovation, 1-8, 2003
Climate change impact on infrastructure: A machine learning solution for predicting pavement condition index
SM Piryonesi, T El-Diraby
Construction and building materials 306, 124905, 2021
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Articles 1–20