Davor Vidas
Davor Vidas
Research Professor in International Law, The Fridtjof Nansen Institute, Norway
Potvrđena adresa e-pošte na
The Anthropocene is functionally and stratigraphically distinct from the Holocene
CN Waters, J Zalasiewicz, C Summerhayes, AD Barnosky, C Poirier, ...
Science 351 (6269), aad2622, 2016
When did the Anthropocene begin? A mid-twentieth century boundary level is stratigraphically optimal
J Zalasiewicz, CN Waters, M Williams, AD Barnosky, A Cearreta, ...
Quaternary international 383, 196-203, 2015
The Working Group on the Anthropocene: Summary of evidence and interim recommendations
J Zalasiewicz, CN Waters, CP Summerhayes, AP Wolfe, AD Barnosky, ...
Anthropocene 19, 55-60, 2017
The Anthropocene as a geological time unit: a guide to the scientific evidence and current debate
J Zalasiewicz, CN Waters, M Williams, CP Summerhayes
Cambridge University Press, 2019
Stratigraphic and Earth System approaches to defining the Anthropocene
W Steffen, R Leinfelder, J Zalasiewicz, CN Waters, M Williams, ...
Earth's Future 4 (8), 324-345, 2016
Scale and diversity of the physical technosphere: A geological perspective
J Zalasiewicz, M Williams, CN Waters, AD Barnosky, J Palmesino, ...
The Anthropocene Review 4 (1), 9-22, 2017
Governing the Antarctic: the effectiveness and legitimacy of the Antarctic Treaty System
OS Stokke, D Vidas
Cambridge University Press, 1996
The Anthropocene: comparing its meaning in geology (chronostratigraphy) with conceptual approaches arising in other disciplines
J Zalasiewicz, CN Waters, EC Ellis, MJ Head, D Vidas, W Steffen, ...
Earth's Future 9 (e2020EF001896), 1-25, 2021
Making the case for a formal Anthropocene Epoch: an analysis of ongoing critiques
J Zalasiewicz, CN Waters, AP Wolfe, AD Barnosky, A Cearreta, ...
The Anthropocene: a conspicuous stratigraphical signal of anthropogenic changes in production and consumption across the biosphere
M Williams, J Zalasiewicz, CN Waters, M Edgeworth, C Bennett, ...
Earth's Future 4 (3), 34-53, 2016
Colonization of the Americas,‘Little Ice Age’climate, and bomb-produced carbon: Their role in defining the Anthropocene
Anthropocene Working Group:, J Zalasiewicz, CN Waters, AD Barnosky, ...
The Anthropocene Review 2 (2), 117-127, 2015
The Anthropocene and the international law of the sea
D Vidas
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society - A 369 (1938), 909-925, 2011
A formal Anthropocene is compatible with but distinct from its diachronous anthropogenic counterparts: a response to W.F. Ruddiman’s ‘three-flaws in defining a formal Anthropocene
CN J Zalasiewicz, Waters, MJ Head, C Poirier, CP Summerhayes, ...
Progress in Physical Geography 1, 15, 2019
Disputed start dates for Anthropocene
J Zalasiewicz, et al.
Nature 520 (7548), 436-436, 2015
The Working Group on the Anthropocene: Summary of evidence and interim recommendations. Anthropocene, 19, 55-60
J Zalasiewicz, CN Waters, CP Summerhayes, AP Wolfe, AD Barnosky, ...
International law for the Anthropocene? Shifting perspectives in regulation of the oceans, environment and genetic resources
D Vidas, OK Fauchald, Ø Jensen, MW Tvedt
Anthropocene 9, 1-13, 2015
Sea-level rise and international law: At the convergence of two epochs
D Vidas
Climate Law 4 (1-2), 70-84, 2014
Protecting the Polar Marine Environment: Law and Policy for Pollution Prevention
D Vidas
Cambridge University Press, 2000
Implementing the Environmental Protection Regime for the Antarctic
D Vidas
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000
Order for the Oceans at the Turn of the Century
D Vidas, W Østreng
Kluwer Law International, 1999
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