Reine van der Wal
Reine van der Wal
Associate professor Utrecht University
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Cited by
Reconciling mixed findings on children’s adjustment following high-conflict divorce
RC van der Wal, C Finkenauer, MM Visser
Journal of child and family studies 28 (2), 468-478, 2019
Suspicious binds: Conspiracy thinking and tenuous perceptions of causal connections between co‐occurring and spuriously correlated events
RC Van der Wal, RM Sutton, J Lange, JPN Braga
European journal of social psychology 48 (7), 970-989, 2018
Interpersonal forgiveness and psychological well-being in late childhood
RC Van der Wal, JC Karremans, AHN Cillessen
Merrill-Palmer Quarterly (1982-) 62 (1), 1-21, 2016
Leaving a flat taste in your mouth: task load reduces taste perception
RC van der Wal, LF van Dillen
Psychological science 24 (7), 1277-1284, 2013
Is mindfulness associated with interpersonal forgiveness?
JC Karremans, HT van Schie, I van Dongen, G Kappen, G Mori, S van As, ...
Emotion 20 (2), 296, 2020
On the role of attention and emotion in morality: Attentional control modulates unrelated disgust in moral judgments
LF Van Dillen, RC van der Wal, K van den Bos
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 38 (9), 1222-1231, 2012
Causes and consequences of children's forgiveness
RC van der Wal, JC Karremans, AHN Cillessen
Child Development Perspectives 11 (2), 97-101, 2017
Executive control and relationship maintenance processes: An empirical overview and theoretical integration
JC Karremans, TM Pronk, RC van der Wal
Social and Personality Psychology Compass 9 (7), 333-347, 2015
It takes two to forgive: The interactive role of relationship value and executive control
RC van der Wal, JC Karremans, AHN Cillessen
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 40 (6), 803-815, 2014
A dual-process perspective on interpersonal forgiveness
RC Van der Wal, JC Karremans, AHN Cillessen
Unpublished data.[JCK], 2012
Are intense negative emotions a risk for complex divorces? An examination of the role of emotions in divorced parents and co-parenting concerns
HS Koppejan-Luitze, RC van der Wal, ES Kluwer, MM Visser, ...
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 38 (2), 765-782, 2021
When work relationships matter: Interpersonal forgiveness and work outcomes.
W Cao, RC van der Wal, TW Taris
International Journal of Stress Management 28 (4), 266, 2021
Can we use smart-phones to increase physical affection, intimacy and security in couples? Preliminary support from an attachment perspective
KB Durbin, A Debrot, J Karremans, R van der Wal
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 38 (3), 1035-1045, 2021
Parent-child dyadic coping and quality of life in chronically diseased children
MM Nap-van der Vlist, RC van der Wal, E Grosfeld, EM van de Putte, ...
Frontiers in psychology 12, 701540, 2021
Values in romantic relationships
RC Van Der Wal, LF Litzellachner, JC Karremans, N Buiter, J Breukel, ...
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 50 (7), 1066-1079, 2024
The benefits of forgiveness at work: A longitudinal investigation of the time-lagged relations between forgiveness and work outcomes
W Cao, RC van der Wal, TW Taris
Frontiers in Psychology 12, 710984, 2021
It takes more to forgive: The role of executive control
JC Karremans, RC van der Wal
Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (1), 25, 2013
Predictors of forgiveness among divorced parents.
ES Kluwer, RC van der Wal, M Visser, C Finkenauer
Journal of Family Psychology 35 (4), 566, 2021
Interpersonal forgiveness in late childhood: Associations with peer status
RC van der Wal, JC Karremans, AHN Cillessen
European Journal of Developmental Psychology 16 (6), 666-679, 2019
A dyadic perspective on parent-child dyadic coping in children with a chronic condition
RC van der Wal, SL Nijhof, LM Leisten, EM van de Putte, CK van der Ent, ...
Journal of Psychosomatic Research 181, 111668, 2024
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Articles 1–20