Marnim Galib
Marnim Galib
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Cited by
A realistic dataset and baseline temporal model for early drowsiness detection
R Ghoddoosian, M Galib, V Athitsos
Proceedings of the ieee/cvf conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2019
A survey of assistive technologies for assessment and rehabilitation of motor impairments in multiple sclerosis
A Rajavenkatanarayanan, V Kanal, K Tsiakas, D Calderon, M Papakostas, ...
Multimodal Technologies and Interaction 3 (1), 6, 2019
Rpb-dc: Motif discovery using randomly projected bucketing (rpb) and discriminative conservation (dc) based prior
M Galib, N Hasan, MA Rahman, MA Mottalib
10th International Conference on Information Technology and Applications …, 2015
Semi automatic hand pose annotation using a single depth camera
M Galib, GJ Chris, V Athitsos
Advances in Visual Computing: 16th International Symposium, ISVC 2021 …, 2021
A Realistic Dataset and Baseline Temporal Model for Early Drowsiness Detection: Supplementary Material
R Ghoddoosian, M Galib, V Athitsos
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Articles 1–5