Matthias Prandtstetter
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Cited by
Metaheuristics for solving a multimodal home-healthcare scheduling problem
G Hiermann, M Prandtstetter, A Rendl, J Puchinger, GR Raidl
Central European Journal of Operations Research, 1-25, 2013
An integer linear programming approach and a hybrid variable neighborhood search for the car sequencing problem
M Prandtstetter, GR Raidl
European Journal of Operational Research 191 (3), 1004-1022, 2008
Hybrid heuristics for multimodal homecare scheduling
A Rendl, M Prandtstetter, G Hiermann, J Puchinger, G Raidl
Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Contraint Programming for …, 2012
Meta-heuristics for reconstructing cross cut shredded text documents
M Prandtstetter, GR Raidl
Proceedings of the 11th Annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary …, 2009
Modeling and solving the multimodal car-and ride-sharing problem
M Enzi, SN Parragh, D Pisinger, M Prandtstetter
European Journal of Operational Research 293 (1), 290-303, 2021
Combining forces to reconstruct strip shredded text documents
M Prandtstetter, G Raidl
Hybrid Metaheuristics, 175-189, 2008
On the way to a multi-modal energy-efficient route
M Prandtstetter, M Straub, J Puchinger
IECON 2013-39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2013
Constraint Models for the Container Pre-Marshaling Problem
A Rendl, M Prandtstetter
Proceedings of the Twelfth International Workshop on Constraint Modelling …, 2013
A memetic algorithm for reconstructing cross-cut shredded text documents
C Schauer, M Prandtstetter, G Raidl
Hybrid Metaheuristics, 103-117, 2010
On the Impact of Open Parcel Lockers on Traffic
M Prandtstetter, C Seragiotto, J Braith, S Eitler, B Ennser, G Hauger, ...
Sustainability 13 (2), 755, 2021
A Variable Neighborhood Search Approach for the Interdependent Lock Scheduling Problem
M Prandtstetter, U Ritzinger, P Schmidt, M Ruthmair
Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization, 36-47, 2015
A dynamic programming based branch-and-bound algorithm for the container pre-marshalling problem
M Prandtstetter
Technical Report, 2013
On the Development of a Sustainable and Fit-for-the-Future Transportation Network
K Markvica, B Hu, M Prandtstetter, U Ritzinger, J Zajicek, C Berkowitsch, ...
Infrastructures 3 (3), 23, 2018
Semantically Enriched Multi-Modal Routing
T Eiter, T Krennwallner, M Prandtstetter, C Rudloff, P Schneider, M Straub
International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research, 1-16, 2014
Hybrid Optimization Methods for Warehouse Logistics and the Reconstruction of Destroyed Paper Documents
M Prandtstetter
Ph. D. thesis, Vienna University of Technology, 2009
A variable neighborhood search approach for solving the car sequencing problem
M Prandtstetter, GR Raidl
Proceedings of the XVIII Mini EURO Conference on VNS, Tenerife, Spain, 2005
Innovative means of cargo transport: A scalable method for estimating regional impacts
R Schodl, S Eitler, B Ennser, A Breinbauer, B Hu, K Markvica, ...
Transportation Research Procedia 30, 342-349, 2018
Exact and heuristic methods for solving the Car Sequencing Problem
M Prandtstetter
Master's thesis supervised by G. Raidl and B. Hu, Vienna University of …, 2005
Optimizing charging station locations for electric car-sharing systems
B Biesinger, B Hu, M Stubenschrott, U Ritzinger, M Prandtstetter
Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization: 17th European …, 2017
Introduction to Synchromodal Networks in Austria
M Prandtstetter, LM Putz, S Pfoser, A Haller, G Lenz, W Ponweiser
Proceedings FFH, 6, 2016
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Articles 1–20