Aravind Ashok Nair
Cited by
Cited by
Deep learning LSTM based ransomware detection
S Maniath, A Ashok, P Poornachandran, VG Sujadevi, PS AU, S Jan
2017 Recent Developments in Control, Automation & Power Engineering (RDCAPE …, 2017
A lexical approach for classifying malicious URLs
M Darling, G Heileman, G Gressel, A Ashok, P Poornachandran
High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS), 2015, 195-202, 2015
funcGNN: A Graph Neural Network Approach to Program Similarity
A Nair, A Roy, K Meinke
ACM / IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and …, 2020
Leveraging Mutants for Automatic Prediction of Metamorphic Relations using Machine Learning
A Ashok, K Meinke, S Eldh
Proceedings of the 3rd ACM SIGSOFT International Workshop on Machine …, 2019
Ensemble learning approach for author profiling
HP Gilad Gressel, K Surendran, S Thara, A Aravind
Proceedings of CLEF, 2014
Password Reuse Behavior: How Massive Online Data Breaches Impacts Personal Data in Web
P Poornachandran, M Nithun, S Pal, A Ashok, A Ajayan
Innovations in Computer Science and Engineering, 199-210, 2016
Demalvertising: A Kernel Approach for Detecting Malwares in Advertising Networks
P Poornachandran, N Balagopal, S Pal, A Ashok, P Sankar, MR Krishnan
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Intelligent Computing …, 2016
LSTM Based Self-Defending AI Chatbot Providing Anti-Phishing
S Kovalluri, A Ashok, H Singanamala, P Poornachandran
1st Radical and Experiential Security Workshop, 2018
Drive-by-Download Malware Detection in Hosts by Analyzing System Resource Utilization Using One Class Support Vector Machines
P Poornachandran, S Praveen, A Ashok, MR Krishnan, KP Soman
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Frontiers in Intelligent …, 2017
B-Secure: A Dynamic Reputation System for Identifying Anomalous BGP Paths
AUP Sankar, P Poornachandran, A Ashok, RK Manu, P Hrudya
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Frontiers in Intelligent …, 2017
Secure authentication in multimodal biometric systems using cryptographic hash functions
A Ashok, P Poornachandran, K Achuthan
Recent Trends in Computer Networks and Distributed Systems Security …, 2012
Internet of Vulnerable Things (IoVT): Detecting Vulnerable SOHO Routers
P Poornachandran, R Sreeram, MR Krishnan, S Pal, AUP Sankar, ...
2015 International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT), 119-123, 2015
A graph neural network framework for mapping histological topology in oral mucosal tissue
A Nair, H Arvidsson, J Gatica V., N Tudzarovski, K Meinke, R Sugars V.
BMC Bioinformatics 23 (1), 1-21, 2022
Why so abnormal? Detecting domains receiving anomalous surge traffic in a monitored network
A Ashok, P Poornachandran, S Pal, P Sankar, K Surendran
Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 32 (4), 2901-2907, 2017
Effectiveness of Email Address Obfuscation on Internet
P Poornachandran, D Raj, S Pal, A Ashok
Innovations in Computer Science and Engineering, 181-191, 2016
Edge-Based Graph Neural Networks for Cell-Graph Modeling and Prediction
T Hasegawa, H Arvidsson, N Tudzarovski, K Meinke, RV Sugars, ...
International Conference on Information Processing in Medical Imaging, 265-277, 2023
‘MobAware’-Harnessing Context Awareness, Sensors and Cloud for Spontaneous Personal Safety Emergency Help Requests
VG Sujadevi, A Ashok, S Krishnamoorthy, P Prabaharan, P Shankar, ...
Ubiquitous Communications and Network Computing: First International …, 2018
MalJs: Lexical, Structural and Behavioral Analysis of Malicious JavaScripts Using Ensemble Classifier
K Surendran, P Poornachandran, AA Nair, N Srinath, Y Kumar, P Hrudya
International Symposium on Security in Computing and Communication, 439-449, 2016
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Articles 1–18