Robert AA Campbell
Robert AA Campbell
Sainsbury Wellcome Centre, UCL
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Cited by
The logic of single-cell projections from visual cortex
Y Han, JM Kebschull, RAA Campbell, D Cowan, F Imhof, AM Zador, ...
Nature 556 (7699), 51-56, 2018
The mesoSPIM initiative: open-source light-sheet microscopes for imaging cleared tissue
FF Voigt, D Kirschenbaum, E Platonova, S Pagès, RAA Campbell, ...
Nature methods 16 (11), 1105-1108, 2019
Cellular-resolution population imaging reveals robust sparse coding in the Drosophila mushroom body
KS Honegger, RAA Campbell, GC Turner
Journal of neuroscience 31 (33), 11772-11785, 2011
Imaging a population code for odor identity in the Drosophila mushroom body
RAA Campbell, KS Honegger, H Qin, W Li, E Demir, GC Turner
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (25), 10568-10581, 2013
Physiological and behavioral studies of spatial coding in the auditory cortex
AJ King, VM Bajo, JK Bizley, RAA Campbell, FR Nodal, AL Schulz, ...
Hearing research 229 (1-2), 106-115, 2007
Openstage: a low-cost motorized microscope stage with sub-micron positioning accuracy
RAA Campbell, RW Eifert, GC Turner
PloS one 9 (2), e88977, 2014
Distinct molecular underpinnings of Drosophila olfactory trace conditioning
Y Shuai, Y Hu, H Qin, RAA Campbell, Y Zhong
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (50), 20201-20206, 2011
The mushroom body
RAA Campbell, GC Turner
Current Biology 20 (1), R11-R12, 2010
Resting-state brain alteration after a single dose of SSRI administration predicts 8-week remission of patients with major depressive disorder
Y Cheng, J Xu, D Arnone, B Nie, H Yu, H Jiang, Y Bai, C Luo, ...
Psychological medicine 47 (3), 438-450, 2017
Interaural timing cues do not contribute to the map of space in the ferret superior colliculus: a virtual acoustic space study
RAA Campbell, TP Doubell, FR Nodal, JWH Schnupp, AJ King
Journal of neurophysiology 95 (1), 242-254, 2006
Virtual adult ears reveal the roles of acoustical factors and experience in auditory space map development
RAA Campbell, AJ King, FR Nodal, JWH Schnupp, S Carlile, TP Doubell
Journal of Neuroscience 28 (45), 11557-11570, 2008
Binaural-level functions in ferret auditory cortex: evidence for a continuous distribution of response properties
RAA Campbell, JWH Schnupp, A Shial, AJ King
Journal of neurophysiology 95 (6), 3742-3755, 2006
Tissue compartmentalization enables Salmonella persistence during chemotherapy
J Li, B Claudi, J Fanous, N Chicherova, FR Cianfanelli, RAA Campbell, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (51), e2113951118, 2021
Brief sounds evoke prolonged responses in anesthetized ferret auditory cortex
RAA Campbell, AL Schulz, AJ King, JWH Schnupp
Journal of neurophysiology 103 (5), 2783-2793, 2010
Reproducibility of in-vivo electrophysiological measurements in mice
International Brain Laboratory, K Banga, J Benson, N Bonacchi, ...
bioRxiv, 2022.05. 09.491042, 2022
Antibody stabilization for thermally accelerated deep immunostaining
HM Lai, Y Tang, ZYH Lau, RAA Campbell, JCN Yau, CCY Chan, ...
Nature Methods 19 (9), 1137-1146, 2022
Auditory neuroscience: a time for coincidence?
RAA Campbell, AJ King
Current Biology 14 (20), R886-R888, 2004
Autoantibodies affect brain density reduction in nonneuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus patients
J Xu, Y Cheng, A Lai, Z Lv, RAA Campbell, H Yu, C Luo, B Shan, L Xu, ...
Journal of immunology research 2015 (1), 920718, 2015
Specificity of binaural perceptual learning for amplitude modulated tones: a comparison of two training methods
D Kumpik, J Ting, RAA Campbell, JWH Schnupp, AJ King
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 125 (4), 2221-2232, 2009
Cortical processing of sound-source location
AJ King, RAA Campbell
Acta acustica united with acustica 91 (3), 399-408, 2005
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Articles 1–20