Fu FENG(冯甫)
Fu FENG(冯甫)
Zhejiang Lab, Zhejiang University 100 Young Professor
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Cited by
On-chip plasmonic spin-Hall nanograting for simultaneously detecting phase and polarization singularities
F Feng, G Si, C Min, X Yuan, M Somekh
Light: Science & Applications 9 (1), 95, 2020
Highly In-Plane Anisotropic Two-Dimensional Ternary Ta2NiSe5 for Polarization-Sensitive Photodetectors
J Qiao, F Feng, Z Wang, M Shen, G Zhang, X Yuan, MG Somekh
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021
Deep learning-enabled orbital angular momentum-based information encryption transmission
F Feng, J Hu, Z Guo, JA Gan, PF Chen, G Chen, C Min, X Yuan, ...
ACS Photonics 9 (3), 820-829, 2022
High‐Performance and Stable Plasmonic‐Functionalized Formamidinium‐Based Quasi‐2D Perovskite Photodetector for Potential Application in Optical Communication
T Wang, D Zheng, J Zhang, J Qiao, C Min, X Yuan, M Somekh, F Feng
Advanced Functional Materials 32 (48), 2208694, 2022
In-situ ultrasensitive label-free DNA hybridization detection using optical fiber specklegram
F Feng, W Chen, D Chen, W Lin, SC Chen
Sensors and actuators B: Chemical 272, 160-165, 2018
Probing the fluorescence dipoles of single cubic CdSe/CdS nanoplatelets with vertical or horizontal orientations
F Feng, LT Nguyen, M Nasilowski, B Nadal, B Dubertret, A Maître, ...
ACS photonics 5 (5), 1994-1999, 2018
Perovskite Quantum Dot‐Ta2NiSe5 Mixed‐Dimensional Van Der Waals Heterostructures for High‐Performance Near‐Infrared Photodetection
J Qiao, F Feng, S Song, T Wang, M Shen, G Zhang, X Yuan, MG Somekh
Advanced Functional Materials 32 (13), 2110706, 2022
Consequence of shape elongation on emission asymmetry for colloidal CdSe/CdS nanoplatelets
F Feng, LT Nguyen, M Nasilowski, B Nadal, B Dubertret, L Coolen, ...
Nano Research 11, 3593-3602, 2018
Precision non-contact displacement sensor based on the near-field characteristics of fiber specklegrams
W Chen, F Feng, D Chen, W Lin, SC Chen
Sensors and actuators A: physical 296, 1-6, 2019
Active Modulation of Graphene Near‐Infrared Electroabsorption Employing Borophene Plasmons in a Wide Waveband
J Nong, F Feng, J Gan, C Min, X Yuan, M Somekh
Advanced Optical Materials, 2102131, 2022
Near-infrared emitting CdTeSe alloyed quantum dots: Raman scattering, photoluminescence and single-emitter optical properties
LX Hung, PD Bassène, PN Thang, NT Loan, WD de Marcillac, ...
RSC advances 7 (76), 47966-47974, 2017
Effective transmission modulation at telecommunication wavelengths through continuous metal films using coupling between borophene plasmons and magnetic polaritons
J Nong, F Feng, C Min, X Yuan, M Somekh
Advanced Optical Materials 9 (7), 2001809, 2021
Controllable hybridization between localized and delocalized anisotropic borophene plasmons in the near-infrared region
J Nong, F Feng, C Min, X Yuan, M Somekh
Optics Letters 46 (4), 725-728, 2021
AI-assisted spectrometer based on multi-mode optical fiber speckle patterns
F Feng, J Gan, PF Chen, W Lin, GY Chen, C Min, X Yuan, M Somekh
Optics communications 522, 128675, 2022
Compressive sensing for fast 3-D and random-access two-photon microscopy
C Wen, M Ren, F Feng, W Chen, SC Chen
Optics letters 44 (17), 4343-4346, 2019
Ultrasensitive Near‐Infrared MoTe2 Photodetectors with Monolithically Integrated Fresnel Zone Plate Metalens
J Qiao, F Feng, G Cao, S Wei, S Song, T Wang, X Yuan, MG Somekh
Advanced Optical Materials 10 (15), 2200375, 2022
Plasmonic and graphene-functionalized high-performance broadband quasi-two-dimensional perovskite hybrid photodetectors
F Feng, T Wang, J Qiao, C Min, X Yuan, M Somekh
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 13 (51), 61496-61505, 2021
Active tuning of longitudinal strong coupling between anisotropic borophene plasmons and Bloch surface waves
J Nong, X Xiao, F Feng, B Zhao, C Min, X Yuan, M Somekh
Optics Express 29 (17), 27750-27759, 2021
Spin-orbit coupling controlled near-field propagation and focusing of Bloch surface wave
F Feng, SB Wei, L Li, CJ Min, XC Yuan, M Somekh
Optics Express 27 (20), 27536-27545, 2019
Data transmission with up to 100 orbital angular momentum modes via commercial multi-mode fiber and parallel neural networks
F Feng, JA Gan, J Nong, PF Chen, G Chen, C Min, X Yuan, M Somekh
Optics express 30 (13), 23149-23162, 2022
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Articles 1–20