Luis Guimarães
Luis Guimarães
INESC TEC, Faculdade de Engenharia, Universidade do Porto
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Modeling lotsizing and scheduling problems with sequence dependent setups
L Guimarães, D Klabjan, B Almada-Lobo
European Journal of Operational Research 239 (3), 644-662, 2014
Solving a large multi-product production-routing problem with delivery time windows
F Neves-Moreira, B Almada-Lobo, JF Cordeau, L Guimarães, R Jans
Omega 86, 154-172, 2019
Allocating products on shelves under merchandising rules: Multi-level product families with display directions
T Bianchi-Aguiar, E Silva, L Guimarães, MA Carravilla, JF Oliveira
Omega 76, 47-62, 2018
Tactical production and distribution planning with dependency issues on the production process
W Wei, L Guimarães, P Amorim, B Almada-Lobo
Omega 67, 99-114, 2017
A decision support system for the operational production planning and scheduling of an integrated pulp and paper mill
G Figueira, P Amorim, L Guimarães, M Amorim-Lopes, F Neves-Moreira, ...
Computers & Chemical Engineering 77, 85-104, 2015
Annual production budget in the beverage industry
L Guimarães, D Klabjan, B Almada-Lobo
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 25 (2), 229-241, 2012
The time window assignment vehicle routing problem with product dependent deliveries
F Neves-Moreira, DP Da Silva, L Guimarães, P Amorim, B Almada-Lobo
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 116, 163-183, 2018
Pricing, relaxing and fixing under lot sizing and scheduling
L Guimaraes, D Klabjan, B Almada-Lobo
European Journal of Operational Research 230 (2), 399-411, 2013
A long-haul freight transportation problem: Synchronizing resources to deliver requests passing through multiple transshipment locations
F Neves-Moreira, P Amorim, L Guimarães, B Almada-Lobo
European Journal of Operational Research 248 (2), 487-506, 2016
Industrial insights into lot sizing and scheduling modeling
B Almada-Lobo, A Clark, L Guimarães, G Figueira, P Amorim
Pesquisa Operacional 35, 439-464, 2015
Improving picking performance at a large retailer warehouse by combining probabilistic simulation, optimization, and discrete‐event simulation
M Amorim‐Lopes, L Guimarães, J Alves, B Almada‐Lobo
International Transactions in Operational Research 28 (2), 687-715, 2021
Using analytics to enhance a food retailer’s shelf-space management
T Bianchi-Aguiar, E Silva, L Guimarães, MA Carravilla, JF Oliveira, ...
Interfaces 46 (5), 424-444, 2016
Scheduling wafer slicing by multi-wire saw manufacturing in photovoltaic industry: a case study
L Guimarães, R Santos, B Almada-Lobo
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 1-11, 2011
Tackling perishability in multi-level process industries
W Wei, P Amorim, L Guimarães, B Almada-Lobo
International Journal of Production Research 57 (17), 5604-5623, 2019
The multi-product inventory-routing problem with pickups and deliveries: Mitigating fluctuating demand via rolling horizon heuristics
F Neves-Moreira, B Almada-Lobo, L Guimarães, P Amorim
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 164, 102791, 2022
Resource definition and allocation for a multi-asset portfolio with heterogeneous degradation
L Dias, A Leitão, L Guimarães
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 213, 107768, 2021
An unsupervised approach for fault diagnosis of power transformers
L Dias, M Ribeiro, A Leitão, L Guimarães, L Carvalho, MA Matos, ...
Quality and Reliability Engineering International 37 (6), 2834-2852, 2021
Alternative Mathematical Models and Solution Approaches for Lot‐Sizing and Scheduling Problems in the Brewery Industry: Analyzing Two Different Situations
TA Baldo, R Morabito, MO Santos, L Guimarães
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2017 (1), 6754970, 2017
Product line selection of fast-moving consumer goods
X Andrade, L Guimarães, G Figueira
Omega 102, 102389, 2021
Annual distribution budget in the beverage industry: a case study
L Guimarães, P Amorim, F Sperandio, F Moreira, B Almada-Lobo
Interfaces 44 (6), 605-626, 2014
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