nebojsa zagorac
nebojsa zagorac
profesor kinezioloskih znanosti
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Impact of game elements on tennis match outcome in Wimbledon and Roland Garros 2009
R Katić, S Milat, N Zagorac, N Đurović
Collegium antropologicum 35 (2), 341-346, 2011
The impact of football training on motor development in male children
M Erceg, N Zagorac, R Katić
Collegium antropologicum 32 (1), 241-247, 2008
A new model of selection in women’s handball
V Srhoj, N Rogulj, N Zagorac, R Katić
Collegium antropologicum 30 (3), 601-605, 2006
Taxonomic analysis of morphological/motor characteristics in seven-year old girls
R Katić, N Zagorac, M Živičnjak, Ž Hraski
Collegium antropologicum 18 (1), 141-154, 1994
Effects of biomotor structures on performance of competitive gymnastics elements in elementary school female sixth-graders
S Delač, J Babin, R Katić
Collegium antropologicum 31 (4), 979-985, 2007
The impact of basic motor abilities on the specific motoricity performance in elite karateka
R Katić, S Blažević, N Zagorac
Collegium antropologicum 34 (4), 1341-1345, 2010
Influence of kinematic parameters on result efficiency in javelin throw
P Saratlija, N Zagorac, V Babić
Collegium antropologicum 37 (2), 31-36, 2013
Successful pole vault influenced by certain kinematical parameters
N Zagorac, E Retelj, R Katić
Collegium antropologicum 32 (4), 1133-1139, 2008
Morphological, motor and technical determinants of fighting efficiency in croatian cadet karate athletes.
J Jukić, M Čavala, R Katić, N Zagorac, S Blažević
Journal of Combat Sports & Martial Arts 8 (2), 2017
Influence of kinematic parameters on pole vault result in top junior athletes
N Zagorac
Collegium antropologicum 37 (2), 19-24, 2013
Relacije između antropometrijskih i motoričkih karakteristika i rezultata u atletskim disciplinama: skok u dalj, skok u vis i trčanje na 600 m kod djece starosne dobi 11–13 godina
N Zagorac
Magistarski rad Sveučilišta u Zagrebu). Zagreb: Fakultet za fizičku kulturu, 1984
Kineziologija za sva vremena
R Katić, D Bonacin
Importance of hierarchical structure determining tennis performance for modern defensive baseliner
N Đurović, D Dizdar, N Zagorac
Collegium antropologicum 39 (Supplement 1), 103-108, 2015
Influence of kinematic parameters on pole vault results in top juniors
I Gudelj, N Zagorac, V Babić
Collegium antropologicum 37 (2), 25-30, 2013
Development of biomotor characteristics and athletic abilities of sprint and throw in boys aged six to eight years
T Bavčević, N Zagorac, R Katić
Collegium antropologicum 32 (2), 433-441, 2008
The influence of anthropometric characteristics on kinematic parameters of children’s sprinter’s running
I Blažević, V Babić, N Zagorac
Collegium antropologicum 39 (Supplement 1), 57-68, 2015
Changes of morphological and motor characteristics in primary school first form male pupils under the influence of the 6-month athletics programme
D Bonacin, R Katić, N Zagorac, M Mraković
Kinesiology 27 (1), 38-49, 1995
Promjene morfoloških i motoričkih obilježja učenika prvog razreda osnovne škole pod utjecajem 6-mjesecnog atletskog programa
D Bonacin, R Katić, N Zagorac, M Mraković
Kinesiology 27 (1), 38-49, 1995
Karate efficiency and the development of some anthropological features among 7th and 8th grade pupils in elementary school
M Čavala, J Jukić, B Babin, N Zagorac, R Katić
Croatian Journal of Education 16 (4), 911-933, 2014
Development of Biomotor Characteristics and Sprint and Throw Athletic Abilities in Six-to Eight-Year-Old Girls
N Zagorac, E Retelj, V Babić, T Bavčević, R Katić
Collegium antropologicum 32 (3), 843-850, 2008
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