ARB: a software environment for sequence data W Ludwig, O Strunk, R Westram, L Richter, H Meier, a Yadhukumar, ... Nucleic acids research 32 (4), 1363-1371, 2004 | 6749 | 2004 |
PredictProtein—an open resource for online prediction of protein structural and functional features G Yachdav, E Kloppmann, L Kajan, M Hecht, T Goldberg, T Hamp, ... Nucleic acids research 42 (W1), W337-W343, 2014 | 700 | 2014 |
Yadhukumar et al.(2004). ARB: a software environment for sequence data W Ludwig, O Strunk, R Westram, L Richter, H Meier Nucleic Acids Res 32 (4), 1363-1371, 2004 | 510 | 2004 |
An expanded evaluation of protein function prediction methods shows an improvement in accuracy Y Jiang, TR Oron, WT Clark, AR Bankapur, D D’Andrea, R Lepore, ... Genome biology 17, 1-19, 2016 | 424 | 2016 |
Chlorobium ferrooxidans sp. nov., a phototrophic green sulfur bacterium that oxidizes ferrous iron in coculture with a “Geospirillum” sp. strain S Heising, L Richter, W Ludwig, B Schink Archives of Microbiology 172, 116-124, 1999 | 256 | 1999 |
Analyzing microarray data using quantitative association rules E Georgii, L Richter, U Rückert, S Kramer Bioinformatics 21 (suppl_2), ii123-ii129, 2005 | 138 | 2005 |
Staphylococcus condimenti sp. nov., from soy sauce mash, and Staphylococcus carnosus (Schleifer and Fischer 1982) subsp. utilis subsp. nov. AJ Probst, C Hertel, L Richter, L Wassill, W Ludwig, WP Hammes International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 48 (3 …, 1998 | 113 | 1998 |
Lactobacillus amylolyticus sp. nov., isolated from beer malt and beer wort I Bohak, W Back, L Richter, M Ehrmann, W Ludwig, KH Schleifer Systematic and applied microbiology 21 (3), 360-364, 1998 | 97 | 1998 |
Characterization of bacterial operons consisting of two tubulins and a kinesin-like gene by the novel two-step gene walking method M Pilhofer, AP Bauer, M Schrallhammer, L Richter, W Ludwig, ... Nucleic acids research 35 (20), e135-e135, 2007 | 84 | 2007 |
Quantitative association rules based on half-spaces: An optimization approach U Ruckert, L Richter, S Kramer Fourth IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM'04), 507-510, 2004 | 56 | 2004 |
Inductive databases in the relational model: The data as the bridge S Kramer, V Aufschild, A Hapfelmeier, A Jarasch, K Kessler, S Reckow, ... Knowledge Discovery in Inductive Databases: 4th International Workshop, KDID …, 2006 | 28 | 2006 |
Predicting a small molecule-kinase interaction map: A machine learning approach F Buchwald, L Richter, S Kramer Journal of cheminformatics 3, 1-17, 2011 | 19 | 2011 |
SINDBAD and SiQL: An inductive database and query language in the relational model J Wicker, L Richter, K Kessler, S Kramer Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: European Conference …, 2008 | 18 | 2008 |
Finding relational associations in HIV resistance mutation data L Richter, R Augustin, S Kramer International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming, 202-208, 2009 | 11 | 2009 |
An inductive database and query language in the relational model L Richter, J Wicker, K Kessler, S Kramer Proceedings of the 11th international conference on Extending database …, 2008 | 8 | 2008 |
Learning a predictive model for growth inhibition from the NCI DTP human tumor cell line screening data: does gene expression make a difference? L Richter, U Rückert, S Kramer Biocomputing 2006, 596-607, 2006 | 5 | 2006 |
Chlorobium ferrooxidans sp. nov., a phototrophic green sulfur bacterium that oxidizes ferrous iron in coculture with a S Heising, L Richter, W Ludwig, B Schink Geospirillum" sp strain." ARCHIVES OF MICROBIOLOGY 172 (2), 116-124, 1999 | 4 | 1999 |
SINDBAD and SiQL: Overview, applications and future developments J Wicker, L Richter, S Kramer Inductive Databases and Constraint-Based Data Mining, 289-309, 2010 | 3 | 2010 |
Leveraging chemical background knowledge for the prediction of growth inhibition L Richter, S Hechtl, S Kramer Sixth IEEE Symposium on BioInformatics and BioEngineering (BIBE'06), 319-324, 2006 | 3 | 2006 |
Jure Leskovec, Anand Rajaraman, and Jeffrey D. Ullman. Mining of Massive Datasets. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press L Richter Biometrics 74 (4), 1520-1521, 2018 | 2 | 2018 |