Il Seok Chae
Il Seok Chae
Hyundai Motor Group
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Cited by
Ultra-High Proton/Vanadium Selectivity for Hydrophobic Polymer Membranes with Intrinsic Nanopores for Redox Flow Battery.
IS Chae, T Luo, GH Moon, W Ogieglo, YS Kang, M Wessling
Advanced Energy Materials 6 (16), 2016
Surface energy‐level tuning of silver nanoparticles for facilitated olefin transport
IS Chae, SW Kang, JY Park, YG Lee, JH Lee, J Won, YS Kang
Angewandte Chemie 123 (13), 3038-3041, 2011
Redox equilibrium of a zwitterionic radical polymer in a non-aqueous electrolyte as a novel Li+ host material in a Li-ion battery
IS Chae, M Koyano, T Sukegawa, K Oyaizu, H Nishide
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 1 (34), 9608-9611, 2013
Self-doping inspired zwitterionic pendant design of radical polymers toward a rocking-chair-type organic cathode-active material
IS Chae, M Koyano, K Oyaizu, H Nishide
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 1 (4), 1326-1333, 2013
Techno-economic feasibility study of membrane based propane/propylene separation process
U Lee, J Kim, IS Chae, C Han
Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification 119, 62-72, 2017
An artificial solid interphase with polymers of intrinsic microporosity for highly stable Li metal anodes
G HyeonáMoon, H JongáKim, I SeokáChae, S ChanáPark, B SuáKim, ...
Chemical Communications 55 (44), 6313-6316, 2019
Metallic copper incorporated ionic liquids toward maximizing CO2 separation properties
JH Lee, IS Chae, D Song, YS Kang, SW Kang
Separation and Purification Technology 112, 49-53, 2013
Highly permeable poly (ethylene oxide) with silver nanoparticles for facilitated olefin transport
GH Hong, D Song, IS Chae, JH Oh, SW Kang
RSC advances 4 (10), 4905-4908, 2014
Olefin separation via charge transfer and dipole formation at the silver nanoparticle–tetracyanoquinoid interface
IS Chae, SW Kang, YS Kang
RSC advances 4 (57), 30156-30161, 2014
Enhanced CO2 carrier activity of potassium cation with fluorosilicate anions for facilitated transport membranes
IS Chae, M Kim, YS Kang, SW Kang
Journal of membrane science 466, 357-360, 2014
The platform effect of graphene oxide on CO2 transport on copper nanocomposites in ionic liquids
IS Chae, JH Lee, J Hong, YS Kang, SW Kang
Chemical Engineering Journal 251, 343-347, 2014
Poly (3, 4-ethylenedioxythiophene) quantum dot-sensitized solar cells in the solid-state utilizing polymer electrolyte
TY Kim, S Lee, D Jeong, TK Lee, BS Kim, IS Chae, YS Kang
ACS Applied Energy Materials 1 (2), 290-295, 2018
Tuning thermal expansion coefficient of composites containing epoxy resin/inorganic additives for stone conservation
YS Choi, IS Chae, YS Kang, JO Won, JJ Kim, SD Kim
Journal of conservation science 27 (4), 431-440, 2011
Enhanced electrical properties of epoxy resin with high adhesion
EY Lee, IS Chae, J Hong, SW Kang
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 52 (45), 15713-15717, 2013
Synthesis of Zwitterionic Redox-Active Radical Polymers and Their Application to an Organic Secondary Battery
IS Chae
PhD Thesis, Waseda University, 2013
Enhanced olefin and CO2 permeance through mesopore-confined ionic liquid membrane
IS Chae, GH Hong, D Song, YS Kang, SW Kang
Macromolecular Research 27 (3), 250-254, 2019
Lewis acidic water as a new carrier for facilitating CO 2 transport
S ChanáPark, I SeokáChae, G HyeonáMoon, B SuáKim, Y SooáKang
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 7 (10), 5190-5194, 2019
Dumbbell‐Shaped, Block‐Graft Copolymer with Aligned Domains for High‐Performance Hydrocarbon Polymer Electrolyte Membranes
SY Lee, DR Kang, JG Oh, IS Chae, JH Kim
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 63 (30), e202406796, 2024
Enhanced Separation Performance of Stabilized Olefin Transport Membranes with High-Molecular-Weight Poly (ethylene oxide)
IS Chae, SW Kang
Macromolecular Research 27 (5), 511-514, 2019
The electrical properties for phenolic isocyanate-modified bisphenol-based epoxy resins comprising benzoate group
EY Lee, IS Chae, D Park, H Suh, SW Kang
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 16 (3), 3009-3013, 2016
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Articles 1–20