Violetta La Cono
Violetta La Cono
Researcher CNR ISP, Messina, Italy
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Limits of life in MgCl2‐containing environments: chaotropicity defines the window
JE Hallsworth, MM Yakimov, PN Golyshin, JLM Gillion, G D'Auria, ...
Environmental Microbiology 9 (3), 801-813, 2007
Contribution of crenarchaeal autotrophic ammonia oxidizers to the dark primary production in Tyrrhenian deep waters (Central Mediterranean Sea)
MM Yakimov, VL Cono, F Smedile, TH DeLuca, S Juárez, S Ciordia, ...
The ISME journal 5 (6), 945-961, 2011
Microbial community of the deep‐sea brine Lake Kryos seawater–brine interface is active below the chaotropicity limit of life as revealed by recovery of mRNA
MM Yakimov, V La Cono, GL Spada, G Bortoluzzi, E Messina, F Smedile, ...
Environmental microbiology 17 (2), 364-382, 2015
Primary producing prokaryotic communities of brine, interface and seawater above the halocline of deep anoxic lake L'Atalante, Eastern Mediterranean Sea
MM Yakimov, V La Cono, R Denaro, G D'auria, F Decembrini, KN Timmis, ...
The ISME journal 1 (8), 743-755, 2007
‘ARMAN’archaea depend on association with euryarchaeal host in culture and in situ
OV Golyshina, SV Toshchakov, KS Makarova, SN Gavrilov, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 60, 2017
Microbial eukaryote life in the new hypersaline deep-sea basin Thetis
A Stock, HW Breiner, M Pachiadaki, V Edgcomb, S Filker, V La Cono, ...
Extremophiles 16, 21-34, 2012
Unveiling microbial life in new deep‐sea hypersaline Lake Thetis. Part I: Prokaryotes and environmental settings
V La Cono, F Smedile, G Bortoluzzi, E Arcadi, G Maimone, E Messina, ...
Environmental Microbiology 13 (8), 2250-2268, 2011
Microbial life in the Lake Medee, the largest deep-sea salt-saturated formation
MM Yakimov, V La Cono, VZ Slepak, G La Spada, E Arcadi, E Messina, ...
Scientific reports 3 (1), 3554, 2013
Discovery of anaerobic lithoheterotrophic haloarchaea, ubiquitous in hypersaline habitats
DY Sorokin, E Messina, F Smedile, P Roman, JSS Damsté, S Ciordia, ...
The ISME journal 11 (5), 1245-1260, 2017
Elemental sulfur and acetate can support life of a novel strictly anaerobic haloarchaeon
DY Sorokin, IV Kublanov, SN Gavrilov, D Rojo, P Roman, PN Golyshin, ...
The ISME Journal 10 (1), 240-252, 2016
Symbiosis between nanohaloarchaeon and haloarchaeon is based on utilization of different polysaccharides
V La Cono, E Messina, M Rohde, E Arcadi, S Ciordia, F Crisafi, R Denaro, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (33), 20223-20234, 2020
Metagenomic analysis of hadopelagic microbial assemblages thriving at the deepest part of Mediterranean Sea, Matapan‐Vavilov Deep
F Smedile, E Messina, V La Cono, O Tsoy, LS Monticelli, M Borghini, ...
Environmental microbiology 15 (1), 167-182, 2013
Unveiling microbial life in the new deep‐sea hypersaline Lake Thetis. Part II: a metagenomic study
M Ferrer, J Werner, TN Chernikova, R Bargiela, L Fernández, V La Cono, ...
Environmental microbiology 14 (1), 268-281, 2012
Hydrostatic pressure affects membrane and storage lipid compositions of the piezotolerant hydrocarbon‐degrading Marinobacter hydrocarbonoclasticus strain #5
V Grossi, MM Yakimov, B Al Ali, Y Tapilatu, P Cuny, M Goutx, V La Cono, ...
Environmental microbiology 12 (7), 2020-2033, 2010
Unveiling microbial activities along the halocline of thetis, a deep-sea hypersaline anoxic basin
MG Pachiadaki, MM Yakimov, V LaCono, E Leadbetter, V Edgcomb
The ISME journal 8, 2478-2489, 2014
A first insight into the occurrence and expression of functional amoA and accA genes of autotrophic and ammonia-oxidizing bathypelagic Crenarchaeota of Tyrrhenian Sea
MM Yakimov, V La Cono, R Denaro
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 56 (11-12), 748-754, 2009
Pressure adaptation is linked to thermal adaptation in salt‐saturated marine habitats
M Alcaide, PJ Stogios, Á Lafraya, A Tchigvintsev, R Flick, R Bargiela, ...
Environmental microbiology 17 (2), 332-345, 2015
Reactome array: forging a link between metabolome and genome
A Beloqui, ME Guazzaroni, F Pazos, JM Vieites, M Godoy, OV Golyshina, ...
Science 326 (5950), 252-257, 2009
Exceptional discovery of a shallow-water hydrothermal site in the SW area of Basiluzzo islet (Aeolian archipelago, South Tyrrhenian Sea): An environment to preserve
V Esposito, F Andaloro, S Canese, G Bortoluzzi, M Bo, M Di Bella, ...
PloS one 13 (1), e0190710, 2018
Fluorescent in situ hybridization applied on samples taken with adhesive tape strips
V La Cono, C Urzı̀
Journal of microbiological methods 55 (1), 65-71, 2003
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Articles 1–20