Asif Nawaz
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Cited by
HML-IDS: A hybrid-multilevel anomaly prediction approach for intrusion detection in SCADA systems
IA Khan, D Pi, ZU Khan, Y Hussain, A Nawaz
IEEE Access 7, 89507-89521, 2019
Convolutional LSTM based transportation mode learning from raw GPS trajectories
A Nawaz, H Zhiqiu, W Senzhang, Y Hussain, I Khan, Z Khan
IET Intelligent Transport Systems 14 (6), 570-577, 2020
Context-aware trust and reputation model for fog-based IoT
Y Hussain, H Zhiqiu, MA Akbar, A Alsanad, AAA Alsanad, A Nawaz, ...
IEEE Access 8, 31622-31632, 2020
GPS trajectory completion using end-to-end bidirectional convolutional recurrent encoder-decoder architecture with attention mechanism
A Nawaz, Z Huang, S Wang, A Akbar, H AlSalman, A Gumaei
Sensors 20 (18), 5143, 2020
Efficient behaviour specification and bidirectional gated recurrent units‐based intrusion detection method for industrial control systems
IA Khan, D Pi, P Yue, B Li, ZU Khan, Y Hussain, A Nawaz
Electronics Letters 56 (1), 27-30, 2020
Mode Inference using enhanced Segmentation and Pre-processing on raw Global Positioning System data
A Nawaz, H Zhiqiu, W Senzhang, Y Hussain, A Naseer, M Izhar, Z Khan
Measurement and Control 53 (7-8), 1144-1158, 2020
Ranked neuro fuzzy inference system (RNFIS) for information retrieval
A Nawaz, A Khanum
Advances in Neural Networks–ISNN 2011: 8th International Symposium on Neural …, 2011
SSMDL: semi-supervised multi-task deep learning for transportation mode classification and path prediction with GPS trajectories
A Nawaz, Z Huang, S Wang
Web and Big Data: 4th International Joint Conference, APWeb-WAIM 2020 …, 2020
ConvLSTM based Transportation Mode Learning from raw GPS trajectories
ANH Zhiqiu, WSYHI Khan, Z Khan
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Articles 1–9