Jordan S. Martin, PhD
Jordan S. Martin, PhD
Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (EAWAG)
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Negative emotional contagion and cognitive bias in common ravens (Corvus corax)
JEC Adriaense, JS Martin, M Schiestl, C Lamm, T Bugnyar
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (23), 11547-11552, 2019
Harsh environments promote alloparental care across human societies
JS Martin, EJ Ringen, P Duda, AV Jaeggi
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 287 (1933), 20200758, 2020
A comparative approach to affect and cooperation
JJM Massen, F Behrens, JS Martin, M Stocker, SF Brosnan
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 107, 370-387, 2019
Prosociality, social tolerance and partner choice facilitate mutually beneficial cooperation in common marmosets, Callithrix jacchus
JS Martin, SE Koski, T Bugnyar, AV Jaeggi, JJM Massen
Animal Behaviour 173, 115-136, 2021
Brain size and neuron numbers drive differences in yawn duration across mammals and birds
JJM Massen, M Hartlieb, JS Martin, EB Leitgeb, J Hockl, M Kocourek, ...
Communications Biology 4 (1), 503, 2021
The EGA+ GNM framework: An integrative approach to modelling behavioural syndromes
JS Martin, JJM Massen, V Šlipogor, T Bugnyar, AV Jaeggi, SE Koski
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 10 (2), 245-257, 2019
Personality assessment and model comparison with behavioral data: A statistical framework and empirical demonstration with bonobos (Pan paniscus)
JS Martin, SA Suarez
American Journal of Primatology 79 (8), e22670, 2017
Personality method validation in common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus): Getting the best of both worlds.
V Šlipogor, JM Burkart, JS Martin, T Bugnyar, SE Koski
Journal of Comparative Psychology 134 (1), 52, 2020
Facial width-to-height ratio is associated with agonistic and affiliative dominance in bonobos (Pan paniscus)
JS Martin, N Staes, A Weiss, JMG Stevens, AV Jaeggi
Biology letters 15 (8), 20190232, 2019
The social evolution of individual differences: Future directions for a comparative science of personality in social behavior
JS Martin, AV Jaeggi, SE Koski
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 144, 104980, 2023
Social animal models for quantifying plasticity, assortment, and selection on interacting phenotypes
JS Martin, AV Jaeggi
Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 2021
Artificial grammar learning capabilities in an abstract visual task match requirements for linguistic syntax
G Westphal-Fitch, B Giustolisi, C Cecchetto, JS Martin, WT Fitch
Frontiers in psychology 9, 1210, 2018
Novel phylogenetic methods reveal that resource-use intensification drives the evolution of “complex” societies
E Ringen, JS Martin, A Jaeggi
EcoEvoRxiv, 2021
Primate social organization evolved from a flexible pair-living ancestor
CA Olivier, JS Martin, C Pilisi, P Agnani, C Kauffmann, L Hayes, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121 (1), e2215401120, 2024
Persuasion and pragmatics: An empirical test of the guru effect model
JS Martin, A Summerville, VB Wickline
Review of Philosophy and Psychology 8 (2), 219-234, 2017
Life-history tradeoffs in a historical population (1896–1939) undergoing rapid fertility decline: Costs of reproduction?
AV Jaeggi, JS Martin, J Floris, N Bender, M Haeusler, R Sear, K Staub
Evolutionary human sciences 4, e7, 2022
Reply to Vonk: disentangling emotional contagion from its underlying causes
JEC Adriaense, JS Martin, M Schiestl, C Lamm, T Bugnyar
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (37), 18169-18170, 2019
Estimating nonlinear selection on reaction norms: A general framework for labile traits
JS Martin, Y Araya-Ajoy, NJ Dingemanse, WJ Alastair, D Westneat
EcoEvoRxiv, 2024
Covariance reaction norms: A flexible method for estimating complex environmental effects on trait (co)variances
JS Martin
EcoEvoRxiv, 2024
Detecting context dependence in the expression of life history trade‐offs
L Bliard, JS Martin, M Paniw, DT Blumstein, JGA Martin, JM Pemberton, ...
Journal of Animal Ecology, 2024
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