Duarte Torres
Duarte Torres
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Food Sciences and Nutrition, University of Porto
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Cited by
Galacto-Oligosaccharides: Production, properties, applications, and significance as prebiotics
DPM Torres, MPF Gonçalves, JA Teixeira, LR Rodrigues
Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 9 (5), 438-454, 2010
Inquérito Alimentar Nacional e de Atividade Física IAN-AF 2015-2016: relatório de resultados
C Lopes, D Torres, A Oliveira, M Severo, V Alarcão, S Guiomar, J Mota, ...
Protein content and amino acids profile of pseudocereals
C Mota, M Santos, R Mauro, N Samman, AS Matos, D Torres, ...
Food chemistry 193, 55-61, 2016
Modelling the rheological behaviour of galactomannan aqueous solutions
W Sittikijyothin, D Torres, MP Gonçalves
Carbohydrate Polymers 59 (3), 339-350, 2005
Potassium intake and blood pressure: a dose‐response meta‐analysis of randomized controlled trials
T Filippini, A Naska, MI Kasdagli, D Torres, C Lopes, C Carvalho, ...
Journal of the American Heart Association 9 (12), e015719, 2020
Galacto-oligosaccharides production during lactose hydrolysis by free Aspergillus oryzae β-galactosidase and immobilized on magnetic polysiloxane-polyvinyl alcohol
DFM Neri, VM Balcão, RS Costa, ICAP Rocha, EMFC Ferreira, ...
Food Chemistry 115 (1), 92-99, 2009
Global dietary quality in 185 countries from 1990 to 2018 show wide differences by nation, age, education, and urbanicity
V Miller, P Webb, F Cudhea, P Shi, J Zhang, J Reedy, J Erndt-Marino, ...
Nature Food 3 (9), 694-702, 2022
Prevalence of general and abdominal obesity in Portugal: Comprehensive results from the National Food, nutrition and physical activity survey 2015–2016
A Oliveira, J Araújo, M Severo, D Correia, E Ramos, D Torres, C Lopes, ...
BMC public health 18, 1-9, 2018
Preparation of ingredients containing an ACE-inhibitory peptide by tryptic hydrolysis of whey protein concentrates
I Ferreira, O Pinho, MV Mota, P Tavares, A Pereira, MP Goncalves, ...
International Dairy Journal 17 (5), 481-487, 2007
Simultaneous determination of tocopherols and tocotrienols in hazelnuts by a normal phase liquid chromatographic method
JS Amaral, S Casal, D Torres, RM Seabra, BPP Oliveira
Analytical Sciences 21 (12), 1545-1548, 2005
Cadmium exposure and risk of breast cancer: A dose-response meta-analysis of cohort studies
T Filippini, D Torres, C Lopes, C Carvalho, P Moreira, A Naska, ...
Environment International 142, 105879, 2020
National food, nutrition, and physical activity survey of the Portuguese general population (2015-2016): protocol for design and development
C Lopes, D Torres, A Oliveira, M Severo, S Guiomar, V Alarcão, E Ramos, ...
JMIR research protocols 7 (2), e8990, 2018
Impact of cooking methods and malting on amino acids content in amaranth, buckwheat and quinoa
C Motta, I Castanheira, GB Gonzales, I Delgado, D Torres, M Santos, ...
Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 76, 58-65, 2019
New improved method for fructooligosaccharides production by Aureobasidium pullulans
A Dominguez, C Nobre, LR Rodrigues, AM Peres, D Torres, I Rocha, ...
Carbohydrate Polymers 89 (4), 1174-1179, 2012
The effect of cooking methods on the mineral content of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa), amaranth (Amaranthus sp.) and buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum)
C Mota, AC Nascimento, M Santos, I Delgado, I Coelho, A Rego, ...
Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 49, 57-64, 2016
Exposure assessment of Portuguese population to multiple mycotoxins: The human biomonitoring approach
C Martins, A Vidal, M De Boevre, S De Saeger, C Nunes, D Torres, ...
International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 222 (6), 913-925, 2019
Pilot study in the view of a Pan‐European dietary survey–adolescents, adults and elderly
Á Ambrus, Z Horváth, Z Farkas, E Dorogházi, J Cseh, S Petrova, ...
EFSA supporting publications 10 (11), 508E, 2013
Comparison of adsorption equilibrium of fructose, glucose and sucrose on potassium gel-type and macroporous sodium ion-exchange resins
C Nobre, MJ Santos, A Dominguez, D Torres, O Rocha, AM Peres, ...
Analytica chimica acta 654 (1), 71-76, 2009
National food, nutrition and physical activity survey of the Portuguese general population
C Lopes, D Torres, A Oliveira, M Severo, S Guiomar, V Alarcão, S Vilela, ...
EFSA Supporting Publications 14 (12), 1341E, 2017
Total, added and free sugar intakes, dietary sources and determinants of consumption in Portugal: the National Food, Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey (IAN-AF 2015–2016)
AR Marinho, M Severo, D Correia, L Lobato, S Vilela, A Oliveira, E Ramos, ...
Public health nutrition 23 (5), 869-881, 2020
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Articles 1–20