Eduardo Navarrete
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Cited by
Persistent stress ‘deafness’: The case of French learners of Spanish
E Dupoux, N Sebastián-Gallés, E Navarrete, S Peperkamp
Cognition 106 (2), 682-706, 2008
Phonological activation of ignored pictures: Further evidence for a cascade model of lexical access
E Navarrete, A Costa
Journal of Memory and Language 53 (3), 359-377, 2005
The dynamics of bilingual lexical access
A Costa, W La Heij, E Navarrete
Bilingualism: Language and cognition 9 (2), 137-151, 2006
ERP evidence for ultra-fast semantic processing in the picture–word interference paradigm
R Dell'Acqua, P Sessa, F Peressotti, C Mulatti, E Navarrete, J Grainger
Frontiers in psychology 1, 177, 2010
The cumulative semantic cost does not reflect lexical selection by competition
E Navarrete, BZ Mahon, A Caramazza
Acta psychologica 134 (3), 279-289, 2010
Does word frequency affect lexical selection in speech production?
E Navarrete, B Basagni, FX Alario, A Costa
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 2006
Lexical selection is not by competition: Evidence from the blocked naming paradigm
E Navarrete, P Del Prato, F Peressotti, BZ Mahon
Journal of memory and language 76, 253-272, 2014
Factors determining semantic facilitation and interference in the cyclic naming paradigm
E Navarrete, P Del Prato, BZ Mahon
Frontiers in psychology 3, 38, 2012
Specifying the role of the left prefrontal cortex in word selection
SK Ričs, CR Karzmark, E Navarrete, RT Knight, NF Dronkers
Brain and language 149, 135-147, 2015
Foreign language effect in decision-making: How foreign is it?
M Miozzo, E Navarrete, M Ongis, E Mello, V Girotto, F Peressotti
Cognition 199, 104245, 2020
Commonalities in alpha and beta neural desynchronizations during prediction in language comprehension and production
S Gastaldon, G Arcara, E Navarrete, F Peressotti
Cortex 133, 328-345, 2020
Picture-word interference and the response-exclusion hypothesis: A response to Mulatti and Coltheart
BZ Mahon, FE Garcea, E Navarrete
Cortex; a journal devoted to the study of the nervous system and behavior 48 …, 2011
First learned words are not forgotten: Age-of-acquisition effects in the tip-of-the-tongue experience
E Navarrete, M Pastore, R Valentini, F Peressotti
Memory & cognition 43, 1085-1103, 2015
Distributional analyses in the picture–word interference paradigm: Exploring the semantic interference and the distractor frequency effects
M Scaltritti, E Navarrete, F Peressotti
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 68 (7), 1348-1369, 2015
A new standardization of the Bells Test: An Italian multi-center normative study
M Mancuso, A Damora, L Abbruzzese, E Navarrete, B Basagni, G Galardi, ...
Frontiers in psychology 9, 2745, 2019
Age-of-acquisition effects in delayed picture-naming tasks
E Navarrete, M Scaltritti, C Mulatti, F Peressotti
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 20, 148-153, 2013
Activation cascading in sign production.
E Navarrete, F Peressotti, L Lerose, M Miozzo
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 43 (2), 302, 2017
The distractor picture paradox in speech production: Evidence from the word translation task
E Navarrete, A Costa
Journal of Psycholinguistic Research 38 (6), 527-547, 2009
With or without semantic mediation: Retrieval of lexical representations in sign production
E Navarrete, A Caccaro, F Pavani, BZ Mahon, F Peressotti
Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 20 (2), 163-171, 2015
A rose by any other name is still a rose: A reinterpretation of Hantsch and Mädebach
E Navarrete, BZ Mahon
Language and Cognitive Processes 28 (5), 701-716, 2013
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Articles 1–20