Alex Wade
Alex Wade
University of York
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Russian blues reveal effects of language on color discrimination
J Winawer, N Witthoft, MC Frank, L Wu, AR Wade, L Boroditsky
Proceedings of the national academy of sciences 104 (19), 7780-7785, 2007
Visual field maps and stimulus selectivity in human ventral occipital cortex
AA Brewer, J Liu, AR Wade, BA Wandell
Nature neuroscience 8 (8), 1102-1109, 2005
Long-term deprivation affects visual perception and cortex
I Fine, AR Wade, AA Brewer, MG May, DF Goodman, GM Boynton, ...
Nature neuroscience 6 (9), 915-916, 2003
Functional measurements of human ventral occipital cortex: retinotopy and colour
AR Wade, AA Brewer, JW Rieger, BA Wandell
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B …, 2002
Representation of concurrent stimuli by population activity in visual cortex
L Busse, AR Wade, M Carandini
Neuron 64 (6), 931-942, 2009
Visual areas and spatial summation in human visual cortex
WA Press, AA Brewer, RF Dougherty, AR Wade, BA Wandell
Vision research 41 (10-11), 1321-1332, 2001
Predominantly extra-retinotopic cortical response to pattern symmetry
CW Tyler, HA Baseler, LL Kontsevich, LT Likova, AR Wade, BA Wandell
Neuroimage 24 (2), 306-314, 2005
Cue-invariant networks for figure and background processing in human visual cortex
LG Appelbaum, AR Wade, VY Vildavski, MW Pettet, AM Norcia
Journal of Neuroscience 26 (45), 11695-11708, 2006
Two-dimensional mapping of the central and parafoveal visual field to human visual cortex
MM Schira, AR Wade, CW Tyler
Journal of neurophysiology 97 (6), 4284-4295, 2007
No functional magnetic resonance imaging evidence for brightness and color filling-in in early human visual cortex
FW Cornelissen, AR Wade, T Vladusich, RF Dougherty, BA Wandell
Journal of Neuroscience 26 (14), 3634-3641, 2006
fMRI measurements of color in macaque and human
A Wade, M Augath, N Logothetis, B Wandell
Journal of vision 8 (10), 6-6, 2008
Exploring the relationship between video game expertise and fluid intelligence
AV Kokkinakis, PI Cowling, A Drachen, AR Wade
PloS one 12 (11), e0186621, 2017
The negative BOLD signal unmasked
AR Wade
Neuron 36 (6), 993-995, 2002
Extended concepts of occipital retinotopy
CW Tyler, LT Likova, CC Chen, LL Kontsevich, MM Schira, AR Wade
Current Medical Imaging 1 (3), 319-329, 2005
The specificity of cortical region KO to depth structure
CW Tyler, LT Likova, LL Kontsevich, AR Wade
Neuroimage 30 (1), 228-238, 2006
Figure–ground interaction in the human visual cortex
LG Appelbaum, AR Wade, MW Pettet, VY Vildavski, AM Norcia
Journal of Vision 8 (9), 8-8, 2008
Human colour perception changes between seasons
LE Welbourne, AB Morland, AR Wade
Current Biology 25 (15), R646-R647, 2015
The effects of visuospatial attention measured across visual cortex using source-imaged, steady-state EEG
TZ Lauritzen, JM Ales, AR Wade
Journal of vision 10 (14), 39-39, 2010
A fast, robust pattern recognition system for low light level image registration and its application to retinal imaging
AR Wade, FW Fitzke
Optics Express 3 (5), 190-197, 1998
Dynamics of normalization underlying masking in human visual cortex
JJ Tsai, AR Wade, AM Norcia
Journal of Neuroscience 32 (8), 2783-2789, 2012
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