Bernadette Park
Bernadette Park
Emerita Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience, University of Colorado
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The police officer's dilemma: using ethnicity to disambiguate potentially threatening individuals.
J Correll, B Park, CM Judd, B Wittenbrink
Journal of personality and social psychology 83 (6), 1314, 2002
The relationship between memory and judgment depends on whether the judgment task is memory-based or on-line.
R Hastie, B Park
Psychological review 93 (3), 258, 1986
Evidence for racial prejudice at the implicit level and its relationship with questionnaire measures.
B Wittenbrink, CM Judd, B Park
Journal of personality and social psychology 72 (2), 262, 1997
Across the thin blue line: police officers and racial bias in the decision to shoot.
J Correll, B Park, CM Judd, B Wittenbrink, MS Sadler, T Keesee
Journal of personality and social psychology 92 (6), 1006, 2007
Perception of out-group homogeneity and levels of social categorization: Memory for the subordinate attributes of in-group and out-group members.
B Park, M Rothbart
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 42 (6), 1051, 1982
Definition and assessment of accuracy in social stereotypes.
CM Judd, B Park
Psychological review 100 (1), 109, 1993
Spontaneous prejudice in context: variability in automatically activated attitudes.
B Wittenbrink, CM Judd, B Park
Journal of personality and social psychology 81 (5), 815, 2001
Framing interethnic ideology: effects of multicultural and color-blind perspectives on judgments of groups and individuals.
C Wolsko, B Park, CM Judd, B Wittenbrink
Journal of personality and social psychology 78 (4), 635, 2000
Out-group homogeneity: Judgments of variability at the individual and group levels.
CM Judd, B Park
Journal of personality and social psychology 54 (5), 778, 1988
When power does not corrupt: superior individuation processes among powerful perceivers.
JR Overbeck, B Park
Journal of personality and social psychology 81 (4), 549, 2001
Measures and models of perceived group variability.
B Park, CM Judd
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 59 (2), 173, 1990
On the confirmability and disconfirmability of trait concepts.
M Rothbart, B Park
Journal of personality and social psychology 50 (1), 131, 1986
A model of the ingroup as a social resource
J Correll, B Park
Personality and Social Psychology Review 9 (4), 341-359, 2005
A method for studying the development of impressions of real people.
B Park
Journal of personality and social psychology 51 (5), 907, 1986
Rethinking the link between categorization and prejudice within the social cognition perspective
B Park, CM Judd
Personality and Social Psychology Review 9 (2), 108-130, 2005
Stereotypes and ethnocentrism: Diverging interethnic perceptions of African American and White American youth.
CM Judd, B Park, CS Ryan, M Brauer, S Kraus
Journal of personality and social psychology 69 (3), 460, 1995
Considering the tower of Babel: Correlates of assimilation and multiculturalism among ethnic minority and majority groups in the United States
C Wolsko, B Park, CM Judd
Social Justice Research 19, 277-306, 2006
Social cognition.
SJ Sherman, CM Judd, B Park
Annual review of psychology, 1989
Perception of variability in category development: Instance-versus abstraction-based stereotypes.
B Park, R Hastie
Journal of Personality and Social psychology 53 (4), 621, 1987
Accuracy in the judgment of in-group and out-group variability.
CM Judd, CS Ryan, B Park
Journal of personality and social psychology 61 (3), 366, 1991
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