Stephen Olatunde Olabiyisi
Stephen Olatunde Olabiyisi
Professor, Dept of Computer Sci & Engrg, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, Nigeria
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Cited by
The impact and challenges of cloud computing adoption on public universities in Southwestern Nigeria
OC Akin, F Matthew, D Comfort
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA …, 2014
A framework for a multifaceted electronic voting system
OO Okediran, EO Omidiora, SO Olabiyisi, RA Ganiyu, OO Alo
International Journal of Applied Science and Technology 1 (4), 135-142, 2011
Hybrid GA-SVM for efficient feature selection in e-mail classification
F Temitayo, O Stephen, A Abimbola
Computer Engineering and Intelligent Systems 3 (3), 17-28, 2012
Secure E-voting using homomorphic technology
SS Shinde, S Shukla, DK Chitre
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering 3 (8 …, 2013
Development of a microcontroller-based traffic light system for road intersection control
RA Ganiyu, OT Arulogun, OO Okediran
International journal of scientific & technology research 3 (5), 2002, 2014
RETRACTED ARTICLE: Learning-based approach to underwater image dehazing using CycleGAN
SR Maniyath, K Vijayakumar, L Singh, SK Sharma, T Olabiyisi
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 14 (18), 1908, 2021
Toxic gas detection and monitoring utilizing internet of things
C Srinivas, CM Kumar
International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology 8 (12), 614-622, 2017
An empirical analysis of end‐user participation in software development projects in a developing country context
BA Akinnuwesi, FM Uzoka, SO Olabiyisi, EO Omidiora, P Fiddi
The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries 58 (1 …, 2013
A framework for electronic voting in Nigeria
OO Okediran, RA Ganiyu
International Journal of Computer Applications 129 (3), 12-16, 2015
Development of a university lecture timetable using modified genetic algorithms approach
AO Modupe, OE Olusayo, OS Olatunde
International Journal 4 (9), 163-168, 2014
An exploratory study of k-means and expectation maximization algorithms
AA Adebisi, OE Olusayo, OS Olatunde
British Journal of Mathematics & Computer Science 2 (2), 62-71, 2012
A review of the underlying concepts of electronic voting
OO Olusola, OE Olusayo, OS Olatunde, GR Adesina
Information and Knowledge Management, ISSN, 2224-5758, 2012
A decision support system model for diagnosing tropical diseases using fuzzy logic
SO Olabiyisi, EO Omidiora, OM Olaniyan, O Derikoma
African Journal of Computing & ICT 4 (2), 1-6, 2011
A framework for user-centric model for evaluating the performance of distributed software system architecture
BA Akinnuwesi, FME Uzoka, SO Olabiyisi, EO Omidiora
Expert Systems with Applications 39 (10), 9323-9339, 2012
Neuro-fuzzy expert system for evaluating the performance of distributed software system architecture
BA Akinnuwesi, FME Uzoka, AO Osamiluyi
Expert Systems with Applications 40 (9), 3313-3327, 2013
Development of a modified simulated annealing to school timetabling problem
OA Odeniyi, EO Omidiora, SO Olabiyisi, JO Aluko
International Journal of Applied Information Systems 8 (2), 16-24, 2015
Pre-processing method for extraction of pectoral muscle and removal of artefacts in mammogram
JA Ojo, TM Adepoju, E Omdiora, O Olabiyisi, O Bello
IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE) e 16 (3), 2014
Hybrid metaheuristic feature extraction technique for solving timetabling problem
O Olabiyisi Stephen, M Fagbola Temitayo, O Omidiora Elijah, ...
Int J Sci Eng Res USA 3 (8), 1-6, 2012
Modelling and simulation of a multi-phase traffic light controlled T-type junction using timed coloured petri nets
RA Ganiyu, SO Olabiyisi, EO Omidiora, OO Okediran, OO Alo
American Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research 2 (3), 428-437, 2011
Hybridization of expectation-maximization and k-means algorithms for better clustering performance
DR Kishor, NB Venkateswarlu
Cybernetics and Information Technologies 16 (2), 16-34, 2016
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Articles 1–20