Philipp Theile
Philipp Theile
Institute of Energy Economics, University of Cologne
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Cited by
Simultaneity of green energy and hydrogen production: Analysing the dispatch of a grid-connected electrolyser
D Schlund, P Theile
Energy Policy 166, 113008, 2022
Value of short-term heating system flexibility–A case study for residential heat pumps on the German intraday market
Z Marijanovic, P Theile, BH Czock
Energy 249, 123664, 2022
Day-ahead electricity consumption prediction of a population of households: analyzing different machine learning techniques based on real data from rte in france
P Theile, AL Towle, K Karnataki, A Crosara, K Paridari, G Turk, ...
2018 IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing …, 2018
There’s no place like home–The impact of residential heterogeneity on bottom-up energy system modeling
P Theile, C Kesnar, BH Czock, M Moritz, AA Novirdoust, V Coors, ...
Energy and Buildings 254, 111591, 2022
Entwicklung der Momentanreserve und Abschätzung des Bedarfes an Fast Frequency Response im Europäischen Verbundsystem
E Künle, P Theile
Environmental policy instruments for investments in backstop technologies under present bias-an application to the building sector
F Arnold, AA Novirdoust, P Theile
EWI Working Paper, 2023
Hydrogen market ramp-up in Eastern Germany until 2045. An infrastructure analysis based on regional generation potentials and demand. Final report
E Çam, J Kopp, D Schlund, P Theile
EnSys-LE-Energiesystemanalyse-Lokale Energiemärkte als Bindeglied zwischen regionaler und zentraler Energiewende: Schlussbericht zum Verbundvorhaben: Laufzeit: 01.01. 2019-31 …
B Schröter, V Coors, C Kesnar, M Martin, R Padsala, T Santhanavanich, ...
Energiewirtschaftliches Institut an der Universität zu Köln, 2022
Does information substitute or complement energy?-A mediation analysis of their relationship in European economies
P Theile, M Farag, T Kopp
Kiel, Hamburg: ZBW-Leibniz Information Centre for Economics, 2022
Modelling optimal regional energy supply based on 3D geodata for buildings and renewable energies
AA Novirdoust, P Theile, M Moritz, J Wagner, B Schröter, C Kesnar, ...
Energy, COVID, and Climate Change, 1st IAEE Online Conference, June 7-9, 2021, 2021
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