Derick Davis
Derick Davis
Associate Professor at the University of Virginia
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29for70itemsor70itemsfor 29? How presentation order affects package perceptions
R Bagchi, DF Davis
Journal of Consumer Research 39 (1), 62-73, 2012
The role of numerosity in judgments and decision-making
R Bagchi, DF Davis
Current Opinion in Psychology 10, 89-93, 2016
Affective influences on evaluative processing
PM Herr, CM Page, BE Pfeiffer, DF Davis
Journal of Consumer Research 38 (5), 833-845, 2012
From bye to buy: Homophones as a phonological route to priming
DF Davis, PM Herr
Journal of Consumer Research 40 (6), 1063-1077, 2014
Alliteration alters: Phonetic overlap in promotional messages influences evaluations and choice
DF Davis, R Bagchi, LG Block
Journal of Retailing 92 (1), 1-12, 2016
The price of not putting a price on love
AP McGraw, DF Davis, SE Scott, PE Tetlock
Judgment and Decision Making 11 (1), 40-47, 2016
Lewis and Clark and the Corps of Discovery: Re‐enactment event tourism as authentic heritage travel
NM Ray, G McCain, D Davis, TL Melin
Leisure Studies 25 (4), 437-454, 2006
How evaluations of multiple percentage price changes are influenced by presentation mode and percentage ordering: The role of anchoring and surprise
DF Davis, R Bagchi
Journal of Marketing Research 55 (5), 655-666, 2018
Distributions Distract: How Distributions on Attribute Filters and Other Tools Affect Consumer Judgments
DF Davis
Journal of Consumer Research 49 (6), 1074-1094, 2023
“18% Off the Original Price Then Another 12% Off” Or “12% Off Then 18% Off”: How Multiple Discounts Influence Consumer Evaluations
R Bagchi, D Davis
ACR North American Advances, 2015
Alliteration Alters: Its Influence in Perceptions Fo Product Promotions and Pricing
D Davis, R Bagchi, L Block
ACR North American Advances, 2012
From Bye-Bye to Buy-Buy: Influence of Homophone Priming on Judgment and Behavior
D Davis, P Herr
ACR North American Advances, 2012
When to Put the Cart in Front of the Horse: How Presentation Order of Goal Reward and Effort Information Affects Goal Pursuit
D Davis, R Bagchi, YK Lee
ACR North American Advances, 2012
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Articles 1–13