Richard Guercke
Richard Guercke
Institut für Photogrammetrie und GeoInformation (IPI) Hannover
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Cited by
Aggregation of LoD 1 building models as an optimization problem
R Guercke, T Götzelmann, C Brenner, M Sester
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 66 (2), 209-222, 2011
Building footprint simplification based on hough transform and least squares adjustment
R Guercke, M Sester
Proceedings of the 14th Workshop of the ICA commission on Generalisation and …, 2011
A framework for the generalization of 3D City models
R Guercke, C Brenner
Proceedings of 12th AGILE Conference on GIScience 31, 2009
Terrain-dependent aggregation of 3D city models
T Götzelmann, R Guercke, C Brenner, M Sester
ISPRS workshop on Quality, Scale and Analysis Aspects of Urban City models …, 2009
Generalization of semantically enhanced 3d city models
R Guercke, C Brenner, M Sester
Proceedings of the GeoWeb 2009 Conference, 28-34, 2009
Data integration and generalization for SDI in a grid computing framework
R Guercke, C Brenner, M Sester
Proceedings of the International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote …, 2008
Generalization of 3D City Models as a service
R Guercke, C Brenner, M Sester
ISPRS Workshop on quality, scale and analysis aspects of city models, 2009
Generalization of tiled models with curved surfaces using typification
R Guercke, J Zhao, C Brenner, Q Zhu
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2010
Generalization of tiled models with curved surfaces using typification
R Guerckea, J Zhaob, C Brennera, Q Zhu, W Shi, M Goodchild, B Lees, ...
Advances in Geo-Spatial Information Science, 33-46, 2012
Optimization Aspects in the Generalization of 3D Building Models, PhD Thesis
R Guercke
Institut für Kartographie und Geoinformatik 723 (Deutsche Geodätische …, 2014
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Articles 1–10