Olivier Marin
Cited by
Cited by
Implementation and performance evaluation of an adaptable failure detector
M Bertier, O Marin, P Sens
Proceedings International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, 354-363, 2002
Performance analysis of a hierarchical failure detector
M Bertier, O Marin, P Sens
Proceedings of the International Conference on Dependable Systems and …, 2003
Towards adaptive fault tolerance for distributed multi-agent systems
O Marin, P Sens, JP Briot, Z Guessoum
Proceedings of ERSADS, 195-201, 2001
Stream processing of healthcare sensor data: studying user traces to identify challenges from a big data perspective
R Cortés, X Bonnaire, O Marin, P Sens
Procedia Computer Science 52, 1004-1009, 2015
DARX-a framework for the fault-tolerant support of agent software
O Marin, M Bertier, P Sens
14th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering, 2003 …, 2003
Matchmaking in multi-player on-line games: studying user traces to improve the user experience
M Véron, O Marin, S Monnet
Proceedings of Network and Operating System Support on Digital Audio and …, 2014
Dynamic and adaptive replication for large-scale reliable multi-agent systems
Z Guessoum, JP Briot, O Marin, A Hamel, P Sens
Software Engineering for Large-Scale Multi-Agent Systems: Research Issues …, 2003
DimaX: a fault-tolerant multi-agent platform
N Faci, Z Guessoum, O Marin
Proceedings of the 2006 international workshop on Software engineering for …, 2006
Towards reliable multi-agent systems: An adaptive replication mechanism
Z Guessoum, JP Briot, N Faci, O Marin
Multiagent and Grid Systems 6 (1), 1-24, 2010
Survey on simulation for mobile ad-hoc communication for disaster scenarios
E Rosas, N Hidalgo, V Gil-Costa, C Bonacic, M Marin, H Senger, ...
Journal of Computer Science and Technology 31, 326-349, 2016
A fault-tolerant multi-agent framework
Z Guessoum, JP Briot, S Charpentier, O Marin, P Sens
Proceedings of the first international joint conference on Autonomous agents …, 2002
Fault tolerance in scalable agent support systems: Integrating darx in the agentscape framework
B Overeinder, F Brazier, O Marin
CCGrid 2003. 3rd IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster Computing and …, 2003
Towards autonomic fault-tolerant multi-agent systems
A Almeida, JP Briot, S Aknine, Z Guessoum, O Marin
The 2nd Latin American Autonomic Computing Symposium (LAACS’2007 …, 2007
Making hadoop mapReduce byzantine fault-tolerant
AN Bessani, VV Cogo, M Correia, P Costa, M Pasin, F Silva, L Arantes, ...
DSN, Fast abstract, 2010
Sport Trackers and Big Data: Studying user traces to identify opportunities and challenges
R Cortés, X Bonnaire, O Marin, P Sens
INRIA Paris, 2014
Dynamic adaptation of replication strategies for reliable agents
JP Briot, Z Guessoum, S Charpentier, S Aknine, O Marin, P Sens
Proc. 2nd Symposium on Adaptive Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS-2), 2002
Experience and prospects for various control strategies for self-replicating multi-agent systems
JP Briot, Z Guessoum, S Aknine, AL Almeida, J Malenfant, O Marin, ...
Proceedings of the 2006 international workshop on Self-adaptation and self …, 2006
Lease-based Decentralized Resource Management in Open Multi-Agent Systems.
DGA Mobach, BJ Overeinder, O Marin, FMT Brazier
FLAIRS, 339-344, 2005
Toward fault-tolerant multi-agent systems
Z Guessoum, JP Briot, P Sens, O Marin
Poster Proceedings of the European Workshop on Modeling an Autonomous Agent …, 2001
The Darx framework: Adapting fault tolerance for agent systems
O Marin
PhD thesis, Université Du Havre, 2003
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Articles 1–20