Sajad Davari
Sajad Davari
Master of Science (MSc) in aerospace engineering at Tarbiat Modares university
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Cited by
Experimental Study of the Effect of a Non-Oxygenated Additive on Spark-Ignition Engine Performance and Pollutant Emissions
S Davari, F Ommi, Z Saboohi, M Safar
International Journal of Engineering 34 (4), 1035-1045, 2021
Investigating the Effects of Adding Butene, Homopolymer to Gasoline on Engine Performance Parameters and Pollutant Emissions: Empirical Study and Process Optimization
S Davari, F Ommi, Z Saboohi
Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series C 103 (3), 421-434, 2022
Experimental study of the effects of adding methylated homopolymer to gasoline on the engine performance and pollutant emissions
S Davari, F Ommi, Z Saboohi
Journal of Solid and Fluid Mechanics 11 (5), 199-210, 2021
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